Business name: Doggylicious
Owners: Dobby the English Springer Spaniel and his human Ben Whyatt
Business location: Melbourne, Victoria
What does your business do: We provide moments of happiness between dogs and owners with delicious cookie treats.
Where are your products made: Made in Australia and proudly so!
How long have you been operating: Since May 2020
How many people do you currently employ: 1 human and 4 dogs
Why did you get into this particular business: Doggylicious hated that large companies mass produced treats using ingredients that lack any nutritional benefit, and made treats from questionable ingredients.

What sustainability measures have you implemented in your business: We use ingredients that are fully sustainable. One ingredient we use is egg shell powder: egg shell powder is a natural source of calcium. We also use awesome ingredients such as hemp, which is amazing for dogs.
What are customers most surprised to learn about your business: That it is run by dogs. We like to keep it this way as there’s less politics in the office!
What’s the funniest/strangest thing you’ve experienced in this business: It’s always good when humans try the treats. They are 100% human grade, but it’s always fun to watch their reaction.
What pets do you currently share your life with: Ben shares his home and bed with 2 English Springer Spaniels, Harry and Dobby.
If you could be any animal, what would it be and why: A dog that gets fed and treated well. Life would be good.

Check out the full Doggylicious range in the Paws N’ All Catalogue and Smart Dog Box subscriptions.