Business Name
Clover Fields
Liz and Geneva Valek
Penrith (western Sydney), NSW

What does your business do?
We make a wide variety of soaps and haircare products for people and pooches too!
Where are your products made:
Right here in Penrith.
How long have you been operating:
We’ve been in operation since 1983.
How many people do you currently employ?
15 full-time employees
How many people do you currently employ?
We exclusively use plastic-free product protection in all our orders (except when we are recycling materials). We work hard to source completely eco-sustainable ingredients for our products. In our lunchroom, we recycle all materials and we hoard aluminium cans to donate once a month. We are passionate about reducing our impact across the spectrum!
What are customers most surprised to learn about your business:
That we have been open for so long! We have survived nearly 40 years of good times, tough times and everything in between. The most exciting thing is seeing the evolution of our business from where it once was, to the modern company it is today.
What pets do you currently share your life with:
We have many pets. I, Geneva, have Oli – he’s an 18-month old beagle who loves to howl.
Liz (my Mum) has Didi who is Oli’s sister (pictured together). She also has George, a 14 year-old Jack Russell/Chihuahua; Jerry, her 9 year-old cat; and Buddy, a 3 month-old kitten.
If you could be any animal, what would it be and why:
A bluebird, so I can sing and fly around the world.
Liz would be a dog or a cat, but one that gets spoiled like crazy by their owner!